-10% Znižana cena! Univerzalni zračni filtri Universal conical sport air filter by JR Filters CR-05206 | race-shop.si Povečaj TOP produkt - Made in France

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JR Filters

Universal conical sport air filter by JR Filters CR-05206

Filter height: 102mm

Inner diameter of inlet: 52mm

Filter bottom diameter: 90mm

Diameter of the upper part of the filter: 75mm

Nov izdelek

V zunanjem skladišču

Najkasneje na vašem domu: 11. 7.

41,20 € z DDV


45,80 € z DDV

We recommend the purchase of a cleaning and treatment kit



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Universal conical sport air filter by JR Filters CR-05206

Universal conical sport air filter by JR Filters CR-05206

Filter height: 102mm

Inner diameter of inlet: 52mm

Filter bottom diameter: 90mm

Diameter of the upper part of the filter: 75mm

Vprašanje o tem izdelku pošljite lastniku trgovine.

* Obvezna polja

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Universal conical sport air filter by JR Filters CR-05206

Universal conical sport air filter by JR Filters CR-05206

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Filter height: 102mm

Inner diameter of inlet: 52mm

Filter bottom diameter: 90mm

Diameter of the upper part of the filter: 75mm

Universal air filters from French company JR Performance Filters are top-of-the-line filters that protect your engine from particles up to 2.8 micrometres in size while maintaining 99% airflow efficiency with a high ability to capture dust in all driving conditions.

JR filters maintain their performance even when dirty, but they are washable (using a special cleaning kit) and can be reused without any problems. The recommended cleaning interval is no more than every 20,000km under normal operation, so there is no need to throw these filters away, which also saves both the environment and money.

Each filter consists of four layers of surgical cotton, which are reinforced with two layers of galvanised steel mesh to prevent corrosion. This filter construction is secured at the end with a plastic layer around the edge to reinforce the structure.


Product specification:

Framing Surface: Chrome
Inlet flange: Centre
Recommended Maximum Load: 130 bhp


The French company JR FILTERS was founded in 1992 with the aim of developing and manufacturing air filters at a high technological level.

In 1998, JR Filters was awarded ISO 9001 certification by the German government (KBA), the highest possible technical award a company can receive.


Made in the EU!


Výška filtra102mm

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