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RaceChip XLR Pedalbox Opel 1399ccm 150HP

ETC (electronic throttle control) is a system that improves the response of the accelerator pedal.

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232,80 € z DDV

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RaceChip XLR Pedalbox Opel 1399ccm 150HP

RaceChip XLR Pedalbox Opel 1399ccm 150HP

ETC (electronic throttle control) is a system that improves the response of the accelerator pedal.

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RaceChip XLR Pedalbox Opel 1399ccm 150HP

RaceChip XLR Pedalbox Opel 1399ccm 150HP

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ETC (electronic throttle control) is a system that improves the response of the accelerator pedal.

ETC (electronic throttle control) is a system that improves the response of the accelerator pedal.

-immediate engine response

-without increasing performance

-changes the throttle position sensor for immediate response

-gives the feeling of a more powerful vehicle

-designed for vehicles equipped with an electronic throttle control

-the package includes an XLR pedal box, brainbox, installation material and self-assembly instructions

Since 1994 RaceChip® is an automotive software modification company with add-on units . These additional units are installed between the motor and the ECU. The function of this product is to receive and evaluate control unit signals (several thousand times per second), and then modify them to increase and optimize performance. Installation is very simple (within 10-15min.) and without loss of warranty for new vehicles. The company's products do not interfere with the basic system of the car, which keeps all the original functions active. RaceChip® is TÜV certified since 2009.

OpelAstra (K)2015-1.4 Turbo150K245Nm
OpelAstra (K)2015-1.6 CdTi105K280Nm
OpelAstra (K)2015-1.6 CdTi110K300Nm
OpelAstra (K)2015-1.6 CdTi136K320Nm
OpelAstra (K)2015-1.6 CdTi95K280Nm
OpelAstra (K)2015-1.6 EDIT200K300Nm

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